Sunday, May 31, 2015

Beautiful Su at Book Expo America (BEA)

Even though it was only presented in proof form, Beautiful Su received its first public introduction in the main booth of the China International Publishing Group (CIPG) at the just-finished Book Exposition America (BEA) at the Javits Center, May 28 - May 30. My publisher, China Books, is a subsidiary of CIPG and one of two American-based divisions (with Long River Press) that focus on books about Chinese history and culture intended for an American/Western readership.

This year's BEA featured the People's Republic of China as the guest of honor at the show's Global Market Forum, so there was special interest among visitors in books about China, particularly if they are written in English. A number of visitors stopped by to browse the China Books and Long River displays, and a number of them expressed interest in knowing when Beautiful Su would be available for purchase.

More work to do in the next few weeks: review the proof, decide on photo placements, make last-minute corrections and updates, add a reference to this blog site, and complete the topics list for the indexer. Hopefully, the published version will be available (and on Amazon, etc.) in another month or so.

The lead picture above is me with a copy of Beautiful Su and Executive Editor Chris Robyn with a copy of my first "China book," a memoir of my Suzhou experiences from 2001 - 2006 titled China, Heart and Soul. A few more captioned BEA photos follow below.

On the rack!

It's good to share with others!

With Mr. Wang Xin, President, Sinomedia International Group

Lots of activity at our CIPG booth

Lovely central display for Chinese publishing contingent

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